78 Eco-friendly Tips

"be the change you want to see"

Eco friendly tip #1

"Use less" is the basis of eco friendly concept. Reduce the consumption and maximize the utility.


Eco friendly tip #2

Always opt for a green alternative rather than a single use stuff.


Eco friendly tip #3

Renounce plastic bottles, opt for a carbon-neutral one.


Eco friendly tip #4

Use reusable shopping bags, than a plastic bag


Eco friendly tip #5

Don't litter plastic, reuse it through molding.


Eco friendly tip #6

How to become a sustainable traveller. Dine from local places. Purchase local stuff. Carry eco-bags for trash.


Eco friendly tip #7

How to become a sustainable traveller. Carry your accessories. Stay at eco-friendly places. Do no litter, not even biodegradable stuff. Walk or cycle.


Eco friendly tip #8

Tips to save energy. Change all of your light bulbs to LED. Plug large electronics into a smart strip.


Eco friendly tip #9

Tips to save energy. Get an energy audit. Check weatherproofing on all windows.


Eco friendly tip #10

Towards sustainable food management. Compost your food and yard waste. Grow your own herbs.


Eco friendly tip #11

Towards sustainable food management. Shop at your local farmers market. Zero waste of food shopping.


Eco friendly tip #12

Towards sustainable food management. Follow the protocols of proper recycling. Deny all plastic bags.


Eco friendly tip #13

Towards sustainable food management. Shop at thrift stores. Purchase sustainable toothbrushes and reusable ear swabs.


Eco friendly tip #14

Beef is the higgest carbon footprint food product. Include less meat & more plant-based food in your diet for a better sustainable life.


Eco friendly tip #15

Choose used plastic bags as grow bags rather than buying a new one.


Eco friendly tip #16

Use an activated charcoal stick rather than a purifier.


Eco friendly tip #17

Avoid nylon based or microfibre bleached clothes.


Eco friendly tip #18

Use plant or bamboo based toothbrush rather than a plastic toothbrush.


Eco friendly tip #19

Use cornstarch based compost bag instead of a compostable plastic bag.


Eco friendly tip #20

Reuse clothes & reduce hoarding.


Eco friendly tip #21

Say no to plastic cutlery while ordering takeout.


Eco friendly tip #22

Switch to plant based milk from diary.


Eco friendly tip #23

Opt for a reusable cup, (eg. stainless steel cup) instead of a single-use plastic cup.


Eco friendly tip #24

Use plastic-free hair tools, such as wooden combs and brushes.


Eco friendly tip #25

Choose clothing made from organic materials or buy second-hand.


Eco friendly tip #26

Carry your own containers for take out and leftovers.


Eco friendly tip #27

Create your own cleaning products using water and vinegar instead of buying cleaning products in plastic packaging.

#cleaning products

Eco friendly tip #28

Use natural cleaning scrubbers and sponges instead of using synthetic sponges.


Eco friendly tip #29

Store lemon inside refrigerator in a container filled with water to make it last for 3 months.


Eco friendly tip #30

Make instant dish wash using lemon and salt for simple and eco-friendly washing.


Eco friendly tip #31

Use non-plastic wrapers like paper, leaves, etc.


Eco friendly tip #32

Replace hazardous PU Foam with Non-isocyanate Polyurethane (NIPU) which is recyclable & cheap to incinerate.


Eco friendly tip #33

Demand bulk snacks packed in recyclable packaging to minimize non recyclable Multilayer Plastic (MLP) that blocks dumpsites & landfills.


Eco friendly tip #34

Auction e-waste separately from other scrap for safe recycling by authorised agents.


Eco friendly tip #35

When designing new building demand natural lighting, cooling, or heating to build in power saving features.


Eco friendly tip #36

Opt for energy efficient ACs when buying or replacing a new one.


Eco friendly tip #37

Deep freeze lemon juice and store them as cubes in ziplock bags to make it last for months.


Eco friendly tip #38

Use menstrual cups or reusable/biodegradable menstrual pads.


Eco friendly tip #39

Store tomatoes upside down to make it last longer.


Eco friendly tip #40

Remove the plastic buttons before disposing your clothes & reuse it as spare buttons.


Eco friendly tip #41

Use cold-pressed coconut oil as healthy moisturisers for ace and hair, instead of using creams with harsh chemicals sold in plastic containers.


Eco friendly tip #42

Read your favourite newspapers and magazines online to reduce paper waste and save money.


Eco friendly tip #43

Charge your phones in airplane mode for fast charging & to save energy.


Eco friendly tip #44

Instead of throwing away banana peels, blend it with an egg and apply to your scalp. This boost your hair growth and reduce grey hair."


Eco friendly tip #45

To get rid of the bad odour in your shoes, put a tea bag in each and leave it overnight. No more stinky shoes.


Eco friendly tip #46

Don't throw your banana peels. Use it to polish your leather shoes and see how good they shine.


Eco friendly tip #47

Freeze your candles before lightning to make it burn way longer.


Eco friendly tip #48

Place matchsticks head-down in your plant-pots as it adds sulphur & phosphorus that nourishes the plant. Try this cheap alternative instead of expensive fertilizers.


Eco friendly tip #49

Dip a teabag in water and use it wipe your mirror. Enjoy your shiny looks.


Eco friendly tip #50

Soak onion peels in water for 24 hours and strain the liquid. This antibacterial formula could be sprayed on your skin to cure itchiness!


Eco friendly tip #51

Put orange peels and vinegar in a closed jar and place it somewhere dark for 2 weeks. Strain out the liquid into a spray bottle for an effective, natural and aromatic cleaning spray.


Eco friendly tip #52

Mix baking soda, coconut oil and peppermint essential oil for a natural and effective toothpaste.


Eco friendly tip #53

Instead of sugary industrial beverages, choose coconut water which is healthy, eco-friendly & a way to support local farmer communities.


Eco friendly tip #54

Freeze aloe vera gel into ice cubes and use them to soothe sunburns or insect bites. (But make sure you are not allergic to it!)


Eco friendly tip #55

Look for eco-friendly phone accessories such as phone cases made from sustainable materials or biodegradable phone screen protectors.


Eco friendly tip #56

Instead of plastic or paper wraps use beeswax wraps which are reusable, biodegradable, versatile, non-toxic & cost effective.


Eco friendly tip #57

Instead of using artificial lighting, try to use natural light as much as possible. Open your curtains and blinds during the day to let in sunlight.


Eco friendly tip #58

Keep an open bowl of water in the terrace or yard of your home during daytime. Let the birds quench their thirst in this hot summer.


Eco friendly tip #59

The jackfruit rags (finger like projections inside the fruit) can be used as a vegan supplement for pulled pork.


Eco friendly tip #60

Try the eco-friendly Indian way of moping using brooms made of coconut leaf sticks.


Eco friendly tip #61

When done with a plastic bottle, poke a hole in the cap and insert an ear swab through it. Fill the bottle & place it upside down on the plant soil. Homemade drip system ready!


Eco friendly tip #62

Upcycle old filament bulbs to oil lamps or candle holders.


Eco friendly tip #63

Wash clothes in cold water and skip the dryer (which produces 1.8 kilos of CO2 per cycle). Line-dry your laundry instead.


Eco friendly tip #64

Cut soap bars into halves or thirds. Use one small piece at a time until it is gone. This helps the soap last longer and save you a little money!


Eco friendly tip #65

Save energy and time chilling your drinks! Just wrap them up in a wet cloth and place in the freezer till the cloth freezes.


Eco friendly tip #66

Beware of "phantom load"! Even when appliances are turned off, they still consume energy if plugged in. Remember to unplug them when not in use.


Eco friendly tip #67

Ditch disposable diapers which take 450 years to decompose. Use cotton or hemp cloth diapers instead.


Eco friendly tip #68

Embrace atleast one weekly work-from-home day. Save on transport and cut carbon emissions.


Eco friendly tip #69

Outdoor classes atleast once a week could save energy and enhance the physical activity, mental health, creativity & social interaction of students.


Eco friendly tip #70

After boiling eggs, save the leftover water to feed your plants. It's a nutrient rich delicacy for them!


Eco friendly tip #71

Try using coconut husk as a sustainable body scrub instead of artificial ones for exfoliation and reducing plastic waste.


Eco friendly tip #72

Ditch aftershave and use alum stone instead, which is a natural antiseptic with astringent properties. Just remember to use a moisturizer along!


Eco friendly tip #73

Don't throw away buttons from your old clothes. Make jewellery out of them instead. Bracelets are a simple & kids-safe option.


Eco friendly tip #74

Don't throw away your old t-shirts. Turn it into sustainable Tote Bags.


Eco friendly tip #75

Avoid watering your plants during the hottest part of the day. Early morning or late in the evening is the ideal time, due to reduced evaporation.


Eco friendly tip #76

Place dried coffee grounds in a small bowl & leave them in areas where you want to freshen the air. These will absorb and neutralize unpleasant odors.


Eco friendly tip #77

Internet has a carbon footprint! Try "digital decluttering" by reducing screen time, deleting old emails, and using energy-efficient devices.


Eco friendly tip #78

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cool, but their energy use isn't! Opt for eco-friendly NFT platforms like Tezos or support digital artists using sustainable practices.
